Find out other ways you can help your child

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I have found another link to some math activity websites.

Looks like it has plenty of options in it which is good. Let me know what you think once you have tried out some of them...

The website it is on looks rather good too with lots of different ideas for Kiwi families with children of all ages.

More math sites...

Hi again,

I have found some more sites that you may find useful for practice. There are lots of good websites out there, it just takes some time to go through them and check them out.

This one has a variety of games and activities on it, from addition and subtraction to multiplication and division as well as greater and less than activities. It would pay to have a good look on the site to check out fully what you can do.

This one has activities that are based on the year group at school.

This is a good site for challenging your speed at answering  questions. You play against other people from around the world which is fun.


I hope that everyone has a great holiday and that you practice your math over the break. Have fun and stay safe and I will see you all after the break.

Mrs Bibby

For some reason the links are not working! If you want to check out the sites you will have to copy the addresses into the address bar at the top. Sorry!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A link or two...

Here are some links to some websites that are worthwhile checking out.

This on is good for the children to practice their basic fact math knowledge...
This one has lots of games on it and although the children enjoy playing on here they may need some supervision in choosing games are math orientated.
This site has a variety of math websites that are lots of fun to work on. The children will have to work out which ones are more suitable for their independent learning but I am sure they will have fun doing this.
Here is another site, I am currently trying to set it up so all the children have access and can 'compete' with the games/learning activities. I will let you know when it is all sorted.

I have also discovered this website which has plenty of different  things to look at. I made the rainbow crayons this afternoon which were much easier than I expected them to be. They also have a page that is dedicated to maths and science. It has links on it to several other pages.

Let me know what you think of it.

Mrs Bibby. 
If you know of a website that is good please leave a comment and let me know.


Mrs Bibby

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The first blog for 2012, Very late but it is here!

Hi everyone! 

Welcome to my first entry on the blog for 2012. I am really sorry that it has taken so long to get this up and running but hopefully I will be a regular  'blogger' now that I have started.

I have been working at Kaiapoi North School since the middle of February and am loving the interaction I have with the children I work with. It is great to be greeted by children I worked with earlier this year who still talk about how much they enjoyed working with me.

 This term I have started working with some new children and am pleased with the progress they are making already. It is neat that they are all wanting to come to their learning sessions and that their attitude towards maths is becoming more positive as they see the progress they are making.

I have discovered some good websites that enable children to practice their maths.

This site has got a variety of games and is very popular in the library during the break times. There are games that are not very 'math' orientated on here.

Is another website that is worthwhile looking at. This one has several links on it for different websites that are all math orientated. I used this one with the children last term and they all seemed to enjoy it. 

If you are wanting to make contact with me regarding coming in for a chat to find out about what we do during a session or organizing a time to come to watch a teaching session in action feel free to leave a comment on here or email me at school 

I look forward to writing again soon and hopefully hearing some feedback from you or your children.

Katherine Bibby.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Term 4

What a fantastic first week back! We have been learning about reading numbers up to one million, using more than one strategy to solve an addition and subtraction problem and understanding more about place value. It is really important to keep on practicing the knowledge activities that are on this blog and the ones that you have at home. Keep up the hard work - Mrs Roberts

Monday, September 19, 2011

Fabulous learning!!!

Wow this term is going quickly! last week we had a visitor join us at maths time and we got to show off our new maths skills and discuss how many different strategies we can use to solve a problem.
Check out the white board working from one of our groups!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Maths is a challenge!

This week we are going to challenge ourselves! We are going to identify what our next learning steps are with basic facts. Click on the picture links to practice your addition and subtraction facts.